For many who are in an LGBTQ+ relationship, there can be additional issues with domestic abuse. It’s one area where there is still too much silence, and people might feel the stigma of their gender and/or sexuality on TOP OF the stigma of domestic abuse.
Signs you might be experiencing abuse in your relationship:
- Threats to your sexual orientation and/or gender identity to family, friends, or work colleagues.
- Undermining your sense of gender or sexual identity.
- Control or discourage your contact with friends, family, work, or the LGBTQ ‘scene’?
- Intentionally use the wrong gender pronouns?
- Deny you access to medical treatment or hormones?
- Use your gender or sexuality as a basis for threats, intimidation or harm.
- Make fun of your gender or sexual identity?
- Using the fear that no one will believe you because you are in an LGBTQ+ relationship.
- Forcing you to do sexual acts and portraying them as initiating to the scene, for example: “you’re not really gay unless [insert sexual act]|”
If you feel you are affected by any of the above, do seek support! You are not alone and we are here to help, click here to get in touch.