Both domestic abuse and child sexual exploitation are forms of abuse which are both against the law and extremely traumatic for those affected.
As we explain the various types of abuse, it is important to remember that in an abusive relationship, various abuse might occur; one is not worse than another or makes less of an impact on an individual. Abuse is not just being hit, kicked, shoved, or punched, you can be abused without someone physically hurting you… No one deserves to be abused, no one deserves to be living in fear.
Learn more about …
- Child Sexual Exploitation
- Domestic Abuse
- Coercive Control
- Emotional Abuse
- Financial Abuse
- Gaslighting
- Physical Abuse
- Sexual Abuse
- So-called Honour-Based Domestic Abuse & Violence
- Technological/Digital Abuse
Information for Victims of Domestic Abuse and Child Sexual Exploitation
The Victims’ Code focuses on victims’ rights and sets out the minimum standard that organisations must provide to victims of crime. This link will also give you an overview of your rights.