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Summer Fundraiser! Support Children in Refuge

    As the Summer holidays are just around the corner, we are starting a fundraising campaign to give the Children’s Play Area in the Women’s Domestic Abuse Refuge’s garden a makeover!

    Campaign Image for the Children's Garden Play Area Fundraiser

    Being outside, playing, and having fun with your mum or carer is, for many of the children in the refuge, of vital importance. The sense of being able to forget all that’s happened or not to feel scared for a moment boosts children’s wellbeing and mental health and strengthens the bond with their caregiver through play. Going into refuge, for anyone, is a huge step, refuges are there to keep people and their children safe from abuse and violence. It’s a haven where everyone (children included) can decompress and start learning to cope with the trauma they’ve experienced.

    Can you help with our Summer Fundraiser?


    We want to raise £200 to give our Children’s Garden Play Area a makeover. Any donation – however big or small – makes a difference. Donating is easy; visit our Just Giving link, where you can donate or start a Fundraiser!

    Rotherham Rise has various refuge properties which support people of various genders, with this particular fundraiser focussed on the women’s only refuge.

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