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What Happens When I Contact You?

Do not hesitate to contact us if you are struggling in an abusive relationship; it’s important to remember you are not alone, and importantly, people DO care about you, like our team.

What to expect

We will :

  • Listen to you
  • Tell you about our responsibilities and the service options.
  • Give you time to tell us what you want to share.
  • Be non-judgmental.
  • Talk with you about your needs.
  • Give you up-to-date information and expertise to enable you to make your own choices and decisions.
  • Be assessing risk.  

We won’t:

  • Impose our opinions.
  • Tell you what to do.
  • Judge you.
  • Rush you.
  • Make you do something you don’t want to do.

Step 1.

Initially, we will ask you what a safe and convenient time is for you so one of our experienced project workers can call you.

We can talk to you over the phone, but if you prefer, we can arrange to meet you face-to-face. We understand this can be difficult, so we can arrange to see you at, for example, our offices, a doctor’s surgery, a school, or anywhere suitable that would not rouse suspicion from your (ex-)partner.

Step 2.

When we talk, a Project worker will ask you to explain the situation you (and your children) are in, in more detail. The Project Worker will then suggest how best Rotherham Rise can support you based on what you share; we call this a Support Plan.

This Support Plan might involve one-to-one support, group support (a therapeutic small safe group of people in similar situations, guided by an experienced support worker), and family support, and might include refuge accommodation, though not always.

Step 3.

At every stage, it will be entirely up to you what you do with the advice and support we give you. We will never force decisions on you. At Rotherham Rise, we want to empower you; make you more confident in making good decisions that are healthy for you (and your children) based on knowledge and understanding. We understand what you have been or are going through is traumatic, confusing, and can be hard to process or even talk about.

We provide Domestic abuse and post CSE One to one support, group support with a range of small and safe groups, peer support, refuge accommodation, children & young people support. We also offer some of our support via telephone or online. 

How Can We Support You?

We provide one-to-one support, group work, peer support, refuge accommodation, children and young people support. We also offer some of our support via telephone or online. 

We also ensure you receive information on housing, claiming benefits, your legal rights, how the law works and any other concerns that need to be addressed.

Finally, we can also refer you, if needed, to other specialist agencies or signpost you to other services that support your health and wellbeing needs. 

Read more about all the services Rotherham Rise offers to those affected by Domestic Abuse and Child Sexual Exploitation – click here.

What about Confidentiality?

What you share with us is treated confidentially. 

The only times your confidential information would be shared are:

  • If you (or any of your children or dependents) are in immediate danger or at risk of harm, we need to contact the Police to ensure safety. 
  • When we are required legally to do so, for example, a court order or where a law is broken, Serious Crime Act 2007, The Terrorism Act 2000, Children Act 1989, Drug Trafficking Act 1994, Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 or the Money Laundering Regulations 2007.

Our basic confidentially principles are:

  1. The information you provide is confidential unless:
    a. You consent to information being shared
    b. You or any children are likely to be seriously injured – this will usually be called “at high risk of serious harm“.
  2. We will always try and tell you when information is being shared; unless it is not safe for you or your children or if we can’t contact you. If we have to share information in this situation, we will only share relevant information that will improve your and/or your child(ren’s) safety.
  3. If we do not have your consent to share information, we will talk this situation through with a senior member of the team (where they are not available before the decision, the decision taken will be taken by the relevant project worker and will be reviewed within 48 hours). We will write on your case file what we have shared, why, and who with whom.

Other consent…

If you are under 16 years old, we will seek parental consent so you can access a direct support service. However, there are situations when seeking parental consent may not be appropriate; in those situations, the support worker concerned will make a careful decision about what consent is required and from whom, in consultation with their manager, taking into consideration the child’s safety and the potential need to access the service.

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